We've got plenty more help for navigating Teyvat if you want - just check out some more of our Genshin Impact guides covering things like where to find the Nameless Treasure, choosing a gift for Lisa, and Amenoculus locations and Geoculus Locations, plus more general system primers like our cooking recipes list and Elemetnal Combos explainer. These maps cover all of them - read on to learn about locating them more completely and about how to unlock the Shrine of Depths.

As more regions are added to the game, there'll be more shrines to unlock, each themed and with its own method of unlocking. There's a number of these shrines spread across the world of Teyvat, with some in the Mondstadt Region and others hiding away in the Liyue and Inazuma regions.

We're here to help you find them quickly. There are lots of locations to visit and explore in Genshin Imapct, but one type of landmark you'll probably want to make a point to seek out as a priority are the Shrines, otherwise each known as the Shrine of Depths.