Same thing happened with New California, same ENB. ini, disabled steam overlay, and checked my AMD's profile settings. I already disabled both AA and AF, depth fog and water displacement in the game's launcher, enabled and disabled a few settings in the enb's. Created by modder DcCharge, the mod comes with a staggering 15,000 textures upscaled by using several imaging systems with A.I. This week saw the release of a new texture pack for Fallout: New Vegas. Basically, every body of water in the area becomes a floating ghost in the map, overlapping everything else. New Vegas has received a lot of love and care from modders throughout the years. but I have the infamous water transparency bug that just doesn't want to go away. I tried to use Rudy ENB myself and it sort of works. Some ENBs require you to tweak the enblocal.ini to match your hardware i.e, if they're set to use 4GB but your PC only has 2GB or VRam, it could pose some issues. What other mods do you have installed? And did you download the correct enbseries version? The 0.332 one? Don't forget to turn off anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering from the game's launcher and to disable steam overlay if you use Steam. At first I thought your game was running out of memory but then I remembered 3.2 comes with the 4GB patch included so now I'm at a loss.